Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Jesus storybook bible

This was sent by MK via Message pop up. I always dreamt
of teaching kids about Bible.

This is a good help for Awesome Kids ministry because they might
enjoy watching and understanding the bible through a colorful
AVP,inspired storybook such as this.: )

Friday, March 18, 2011

Birthday card for Mimi

( Mimi and I chat after she got this card, it went like this:)

Mimi: tnx t8... who made this??
this is so cute.. but not the picture... hahah..

Thina: Mimi, me.:)

Mimi: thina tnx.. ur so sweet..

Thina: no prob.. Keep it! u may put it on ur fb acct.:)

Mimi: Sure. But not here, of course.

Thina: Ok. : )

Friday, March 4, 2011

How to make Felt finger puppets

Things You'll Need:
  • Pieces of felt
  • Strands of yarn
  • Needle and thread
  • Tacky glue
  • Scissors
  1. Making felt finger puppets is fun. First, you need to cut out two pieces of felt that are the same shape into a semi-oval shape. Make sure the semi-oval shape will fit over a child's finger.

    2.  Next, you will need to sew the two pieces of felt together around the curve of the semi-circle. Keep the stitches close together. Do not sew the bottom of the felt pieces, as this is where the child will insert his finger into the puppet.

   3.  Once you have the puppet sewn together, turn it inside out. This way you will not see the seams of the   thread.

   4.Add details to your puppet by using felt to cut out eyes, a nose, a mouth, buttons and other details. Use strands of yarn for hair. Add these parts using tacky glue or a hot-glue gun, as regular glue will not work well to hold the pieces together.

Read more: How to Make Felt Finger Puppets |